Vodafone has launched their 3G Services in Hosur, Karur and Erode in Tamil Nadu. This would let the Vodafone Customers experience various exciting 3G services such as faster downloading, Video streaming, multimedia gaming, digital TV and much more from their 3G devices.Vodafobe 3G is now available in 22 towns in Tamil Nadu.
Press Release
Vodafone India, one of India’s leading telecom service providers, today announced the launch of its 3G services in Hosur, Karur and Erode.
Vodafone customers in Karur and Erode can now experience various exciting 3G services such as faster downloading, video streaming, multimedia gaming, digital TV and much more at the comfort of their handset. 3G Services will change the way Vodafone customers communicate and experience the advantage of adding power of mobility to the internet.
Currently, Vodafone has launched 3G services in 22 towns in Tamil Nadu including Chennai, Ariyalur, Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Kodaikanal, Madurai, Ooty, Palladam, Ranipet, Sivagangai, Sriperumbadur, Trichy, Pondicherry, Salem, Tiruppur, Sivakasi, Vellore, Pondicherry, Villipuram, Karur, Erode and Hosur.