Wednesday, 5 October 2011

iPhone 4 Vs. iPhone 4S

               Apple has just announced the iPhone4S and no iPhone 5 this year, Also the 8GB iPhone4 and that the iPhone3GS will still be available. Well Here is a comparison between the new iPhone4S and the iPhone4.
iPhone 4 vs iPhone 4S

Well the iPhone4S may disappoint many people in terms of design and the lack of the LTE technology but in every thing else it’s just staggering.

What about the iPhone 3GS?

Well, Apple had made a full iPhone line with the 3GS still available and free with contract as a low end device, The iPhone4 had a new 8GB capacity and the iPhone4S at the top of the range.

So are you disappointed with the design? or the lack of the LTE technology? and will you buy an iPhone 4S?

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